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Informed Consent for Text/SMS

Informed Consent for Text (SMS) Messaging - Central Oklahoma Chapter, Association for Talent Development

With your consent, the Central Oklahoma Chapter of the Association for Talent Development (ATD) would like to send text (SMS) messages to the mobile number you have provided in our records.

By indicating your informed consent, you acknowledge understanding the information below and agree to engage in our text (SMS) messaging service.

Purpose and Description: The Central Oklahoma Chapter of ATD’s text (SMS) messaging service is aimed at providing you with valuable information, reminders, and notifications directly to your mobile phone. Our text (SMS) messaging might include:

  • Updates and reminders about upcoming events
  • Notices regarding membership renewal
  • Invitations to participate in surveys and polls

Voluntary Participation: Opting into our text (SMS) messaging service is completely voluntary. You may decline or withdraw your consent at any time without any repercussions.

Benefits and Risks:

  • Benefits: This service offers an additional, convenient way to stay informed about the activities and opportunities provided by the Central Oklahoma Chapter of ATD.
  • Risks: While we strive to maintain the security and confidentiality of all communications, electronic communications like text (SMS) messages are subject to inherent risks. These include potential unauthorized access, privacy loss, or data breaches. Text messages may be intercepted or viewed by unintended parties, hence may not be entirely secure.

Potential Costs: Engaging in this text messaging service may incur standard text messaging fees from your mobile service provider. Please consult with them about any possible charges.

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